Strait Experience Cultural Awareness Training has been created in close collaboration with elders, Traditional Owners and community leaders from Thursday Island which represent a diverse regional group.
FREQUENCY: Held the 1st Thursday of Each Month
LOCATION: James Cook University (Thursday Island building)*
TIME: 9am - 12pm
The course is a combination of interactive tasks and open forum discussions, it is facilitated by Mr Fraser Nai and involves several Torres Strait educators which take the lead facilitation role throughout the training. The educators which are involved in this training are well-respected and experienced in facilitating small groups discussion on the at-time complex histories, intergenerational hardships and cultural difference between Torres Strait Islander and non-indigenous Australians.
The purpose of the Cultural Awareness Training is to enable a high-quality, locally designed education program which will leave participants with an increased understanding about cultural identity, Ailan Kastom (Island Custom), sorry business and Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK). The induction training has been designed specifically for non-Torres Strait slander workers as an introduction to Ailan Kastom more broadly. The workshop will suit public servants, teachers, health workers, consultants, contractors managers, social workers, community developers and anyone wanting to learn more about Indigenous culture.
Over the course of the 3 hours - topics covered by the training include:
- Welcome to Country by Traditional owner
- Introduction to Ailan Kastom (Island Custom)
- History of colonial impacts across the Torres Strait
- Protocols for successful Cross-cultural communication
- The impact of Christianity and the integration of it into Island life.
- Understanding Sorry Business and the impacts on community and family.
- Key considerations involved when collaborating with Torres Strait Islander people.
The Training Program has been developed in the spirit of reconciliation and focuses on Cross-Cultural Communication – identifying barriers and working towards positive solutions and outcomes.
•Minimum 10 people are required for this program to operate.
•Bookings close 1 week prior to event date.
•Full refund or next available date (guest choice) provided if minimum numbers are not met.
•A credit will be issued should the program need to be suspended due to COVID-19 related travel restrictions.
'STRAIT JOURNEYS' are expertly curated to ensure your travel is both seamless and unforgettable. These created in close collaboration with local operators and Traditional owners who are passionate about explaining the lands, customs, culture and history of your specially selected journey.